9:39 AM


Posted by Innocent Eyes


Rhythm is present every where in our daily life.
The ups and down in our daily life is the rhythm.
The rhythm is music is shows the life in music.
Every singer shows his class of its own in rhythm .
e.g. Janoon’s, Ali azmat generally working on high pitch voice as well as high pitch music, while vital sign’s Junaid generally working on low pitch voice and music.

Rhythm in Music.
The distinctive group of sound and silence in time based on duration of notes, strong and weak stress and other factor (such as harmony , contour etc) rhythm is often regulated by meter, or some other form of regular pulse such as tact’s. which melody and harmony , its one of the principle element of music.

Rhythm in design.

A movement with regular succession of strong and weak element is known as rhythm


The pattern produced by various relations of emphasis and duration in design or in rhythm or by a long of composition and unaccented syllables, the aspect of composition concerned with this.

Lines can also be used in ways, which will create a visual Rhythm (flow) Functional object. Which may be rather dull can be transformed by the application of more interesting lines detailing

The rhythm in picture from spacing the lines and arrangement the surface its possibilities are quite varied

Rhythm in a work satisfies the design for order its lines reflects the rhythm of the breath and movements of the artist.


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