9:40 AM


Posted by Innocent Eyes


Held by a smaller group to larger group of equal strength to each other is know as balance.

Balance is the arrangement of item (object) in a space to achieve state equilibrium. Balance is design realize a visual weight. A relative weight as a perceived by the eye the eye e.g.: (a large tree basic type of balance, which is
(a) Symmetrical ,
(b) A symmetrical
(c) Radical Balance

Type of Balance:

(a) Symmetrical,
Symmetrical balance is achieved when two of equal visual weight is placed equal distant from an imaginary central point.
Such symmetrical balance is use in traditional design to focus the eye on a central point or to produce saleability in a complex design

(b) Asymmetrical
Asymmetrical balance must be moved closer to the imaginary center in order to balance a visual lighter from shape.

Asymmetrical informal production a more dynamic and spacious look.

(c) Radical Balance

Another type of arrangement, called radial balance can creates true or approximate symmetry. In radial balance forces are distributed around a central point .the rotation to what might otherwise be a static, symmetrical balance pure radial balance apposed identical forces, but interesting varieties can be achieved by modifying the spaces.


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