9:35 AM


Posted by Innocent Eyes


The correct relation in size, amount or degree between one thing and other or between things a part.


Function or comparative share if a whole is known as proportion.


When you put two or more elements together, you get proportion whether you want it or not.

For designer proportions is the relationship in size, the width of the design , the width of an elements to the size of another area with in the elements, the size of one elements to the size of another elements , then the amount of space between two elements to the amount of space between one of those elements and a third elements..

To achieve pleasing proportion in his design arranges space so that the eye does not perceive standard mathematical relationship.

Proportion even involves the design; Sir Hashua Reynolds concluded that the ideal proportion of dark tones to light tones was this. One half-medium grey one quarter light grey one quarter black . in any event one tone should be dominates.

I want to clear you another thing about proportion with an example of human body, which being in proportion with the size of the head or the limbs , as art designer , you concern in making design that seem proportion that is the audience does not sense that any thing is too big or too small , while are the same time avoiding the static look that comes from all parts being the same size.


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