The origins of this practice extend back to the dawn of history, the oldest text on the subject dating to over 2500 years.
What is it?
Yoga! This is a philosophy that involves both the mind and the body and which deserves endless praise for its countless benefits.
From its relaxing and de-stressing effects, to its breathing practices and irrefutable influence on maintaining the health of our muscles and joints, to its ability to improve our concentration, this practice is a real panacea!
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- Foods For Enhancing Bone Density
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Building strong bones when we are young and helps to reduce the effects of bone-density loss as we get older means that we can alleviate many of the symptoms of osteoporosis.
Research has shown that a poor diet increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life. As we have seen, bones are made up of a thick outer shell with a strong, dense inner mesh that has a honeycomb-like structure.
A good calcium intake is vital because this gives the bones their strength and rigidity. As bone becomes old it is vital because this gives the bones their strength and rigidity.
As bone becomes old it is removed by the body and replaced with new bone – it has been calculated that adults replace their entire skeletons every seven to 10 years.
Calcium, therefore, gets deposited and withdrawn from the skeleton on a daily basis. As we get older, this renewal process slows down and bone-density loss increases. When this happens, the holes in the bone’s inner mesh gradually become bigger and the bones become more fragile.
However, by maximizing bone mass early in life and by maintaining a healthy diet, we can reduce the effects of this process.
In a study to be published in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers found that diets high in protein and cereal grains increase calcium excretion and can weaken your bones while a diet high in fruits and vegetables actually strengthens bones.
Onions: Several studies since 2005 show that Onions slow the resorption of bone. (That is the break down of old bone by our Osteoclasts.
One of the reasons why many people develop Osteopenia or Osteoporosis as they age is that our bone building cells (Osteoblasts) slow down after age 33 -35 but our Osteoclast cells, that remove old bone, keep working at the same level.
As our bodies are remove more bone that they build, we soon develop thin or porous bones. Onions slow the removal of bone. It seems the silicon content in Onions might be helping in building new bone. Silicon is necessary for turning your calcium into bone.
Prunes: They are top osteoporosis beaters. They contain a fibre called inulin, which facilitates better calcium absorption, so strengthening your bones and warding off arthritis. Four a day will keep you in plum (ouch) condition.
Banana: Banana contains your entire RDA of potassium, an electrolyte that prevents the loss of calcium and therefore maintains good bone-strength. They also bolster the nervous system, boost immune function, and help the body metabolize protein.
Broccoli: The floret is full of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and a particularly high concentration of vitamin C, which is vital in creating the optimal bone matrix for overall skeletal strength. 200g a day will do the magic, and you can use cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts and cabbage for variety, as they all possess many of the same qualities.
In addition to calcium, magnesium is just as important for maintaining strong bones.
In a Health, Aging and Body Composition study of 2,038 elderly men and women, the more magnesium they consumed, the higher their bone density (among white men and women).
Leeks: packed with folic acid, a B-vitamin that studies have shown reduces homocystein, an amino acid that weakens the bones and also makes heart attacks more likely.
Oysters: They are a source of the zinc necessary to form the basic bone structure of collagen.
Walnuts: Separate animal studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids may add density to bones and promote bone formation. Dr. Chaim Vanek and Dr. William E.
Connor from the Oregon Health and Science University said the Swedish study “adds to a growing body of evidence that omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial to bone health.” Some excellent food sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, salmon, and flaxseeds.
Kiwis: Like bananas they are high in bone-protecting potassium. Try to eat at least one or two a week. Don't peel the skin - it's edible and packed with extra nutrients. Put up with your teeth squeaking.
Spinach: Contains vitamin K, which reinforces bone-mineral density. Spinach is also high in bone-friendly calcium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, as well as selenium, which protects the liver and helps make the risk of Alzheimer.
Twenty minutes of sunshine each day helps to prevent a vitamin D deficiency. Among its many functions, vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, and helps regulates normal calcification of the bones.
Be Careful with….
Protein: High intakes of protein increase the excretion of calcium in the urine. For most people, however, protein intakes are not high enough to give cause for concern, but it could be a problem if you take protein supplements or follow a high protein, weight-reducing diet.
Salt: High sodium (salt) intake can also increase the loss of calcium in the urine. Over three quarters of the sodium in our diet comes from processed foods, so the simplest way to reduce sodium intake is to eat fewer processed foods.
Food with less salt may initially taste bland, but by gradually reducing the amount of salt you eat, the tastebuds will adapt as the salt receptors on the tongue become more sensitive. Try using other flavourings such as herbs and spices, lemon or mustard.
Caffeine: High intakes of caffeine can reduce absorption of calcium each cup of coffee prevents the absorption of 6 mg of calcium, which is the amount you would get from 1 teaspoon of milk. The effect of caffeine is relatively small, but people with very high intakes should cut back.
Alcohol: Excessive intakes of alcohol can damage the cells that make new bone. If you drink, stay within the recommended guidelines (no more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day for women).
Fizzy drinks: Phosphate, in the form of phosphoric acid, is used as a preservative in most canned fizzy drinks. When phosphorus levels exceed calcium levels in the blood, the body responds by stimulating bone breakdown to release calcium into the blood.
Although there is no hard scientific evidence to show a detrimental effect on bone health, it is probably wise to cut back if you have an excessive intake, and to limit the amount of fizzy drinks your children consume. Instead, why not offer a glass of cold milk?
Nobody--not even Kelly Ripa--is cheerful all the time. If you can't shake the blues, here's what you need to know.
ForbesWoman is a new section for professional and executive women. Enter your email below to start receiving ForbesWoman news and updates.
Depression disproportionately affects women. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women experience double the rate of clinical or "major" depression--depression that isn't a temporary state caused by life events such as a death or divorce--than men do.
An estimated 12 million women a year experience it, and one in eight women in their lifetime will suffer from it. Notably, many experts put that number closer to one in four.
Why are women at such a high risk? "There's no one trigger, but we believe hormones can play a role, as can genetic predisposition," says Roselyn Watkins, Ph.D., supervising psychologist at Friends Hospital in Philadelphia. Watkins notes that societal expectations have an impact as well.
"Women are expected to be perfect wives, great moms and flawless workers, and to appear young and beautiful at all times too. That pressure can contribute to depression."
In Depth: 10 Blues Busters
In Depth: 11 Ways To Boost Your Energy
In Depth: 10 Foods You Should Be Eating, But Aren't
In Pictures: Seven Keys To Staying Fit And Happy In Hard Times
In Pictures: Suicide Warning Signs
One landmark study from the 1970s found that nearly half of women physicians and 73% of women Ph.Ds had experienced depression, while another 1999 study of female physicians conducted by Emory University in Atlanta found that some 20% were depressed.
A 2007 study from British researchers found that workers (male or female) with high levels of job stress are twice as likely to develop depression as those with low levels of career-related stress.
But those figures don't only reflect the professional and highly educated. More women, including women of color, are likely to work second or third shifts, head single-parent households and have sub-prime mortgages.
They might feel guilty about their depression or simply not have time for it and push the blues to the mental back burner.
Even in an age where sexual dysfunction and menstrual cycles are all brunch fodder, depression unfortunately remains a taboo topic--which may explain why surveys show that fewer than half of women who experience depression seek help.
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That shouldn't be the case, insists Charles Conway, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "I tell patients to think of depression as a stress reaction.
It is not a weakness in character or a defect; it's simply a [physical response]." He adds, "You should absolutely not avoid getting help because of a stigma surrounding depression.
There are so many treatments that are proven effective and very safe. [Plus] quite a few studies now suggest that it's dangerous for your brain to be in that state."
Comment On This StoryIn fact, untreated depression can be devastating. A recent Finnish study reveals that depressed people are twice as likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a condition that can lead to heart disease and diabetes--which may help explain why depression also increases the risk of both conditions.
Research shows that women who are depressed are more likely to have eating disorders or to gain weight.
Of course, depression can also cause relationship rifts, hurt your performance at work and sap your libido--all of which can make your blues even worse.
If you're feeling depressed, the last thing you should do is wait it out in the hopes that you'll suddenly feel better.
"It's dangerous to pretend it isn't a big deal, especially if you've been feeling blue for more than two weeks," says Stacey Rosenfeld, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City who is also a staff psychologist at Columbia University Medical Center.
Notably, depression isn't just about sadness, and in fact many symptoms, such as feelings of irritation and frustration, are overlooked.
Other oft-ignored signs include sleeping and eating more or less than usual, avoiding being around others, diminished or nonexistent sex drive and reoccurring thoughts of suicide.
''If you can't feel good, and the things that you used to do to make yourself feel better or that brightened your mood, like going out for a walk or seeing a friend, don't do the trick anymore, see a therapist or your doctor," urges Watkins.
Studies suggest that more than half of women who undergo treatment, and stick with it, will get significant relief.
Talk therapy, a.k.a. psychotherapy, is still considered a gold standard of depression treatment and is especially helpful for milder forms of depression; it even appears to help reduce the incidence of further depressive episodes.
Women with major depression should consider talking to their doctor or psychiatrist about antidepressants, either alone or in conjunction with psychotherapy.
"Studies show that a combination of antidepressants and talk therapy is especially effective for treating moderate to severe depression, and in a perfect world, every patient would have access to both," says Dr. Conway.
And although this advice extends to all women, if you're depressed, it's especially important to take care of yourself. "Stay active and exercise as much as you can, and get adequate sleep," recommends Rosenfeld.
"Seek social support and find people who make you feel good." She also strongly advises delegating. "Don't try to be superwoman; it's not a failure to say, 'I can't do this.' Take on what you can, and let the rest go."
Dark circles under eyes immediately start disappearing turning them into shining bright eyes as the eyebrows get raised naturally and lift the eyelids further up and lock them there.
The skin under the eye is thinner than the rest of the skin around. Hence the veins under it give it a blue tinge appearing as dark circles there.
Also the skin under the eye is affected more by the sun tanning.
Rubbing or scratching the eye darkens the skin under the eyes as well.
Medications causing the blood vessels to dilate also pronounce these dark patches.
Lack of nutrition discolors this area too.
Lack of sleep or excessive fatigue turns skin pale and shows these dark patches more.
Pregnancy and menstruation also accentuate the dark under eye circles.
Age sags the skin, drooping the eyelids and generating bags over there. The dark circles start showing even more than before.
But the way we have been going through our previous posts not only lifts-up the drooping eyelids, removes the excess eyelid skin along with the excess fat-tissue, removes dark circles under eyes, and turns back the eyelids that have gone turned-in or turned-out; but also gets a total facelift for you without going for an anti aging eye cream or an anti wrinkle eye cream, or any surgical procedure.
Just open your eyes FULL in their TOTAL WIDTH by putting a slight smile on your lips, and you will have got the two bright eyes on your face!
And then this only is the right way you should always open your eyes in while you are awake.
If you are really interested in and really curious about whatever you are looking at, it automatically happens so.
We do need looking into this interest and curiosity thing further in its depth and we’ll certainly come out with many more pearls of biological wisdom from there.
Many people nowadays are very much conscious about their own health and fitness. In addition to that, these people, and many others as well, are now having that desire to sculpt their bodies to ahieve that magazine-cover look. As a result, gyms, health spas and other fitness centers have proliferated all over to cater to the needs of the fitness buffs and afficionados.Even on television exercise machines, weight loss products, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have more or less gained control over the airwaves and made their way into the households. But exerise is not the only way to build that body beautiful. It also entails certain amount of responsibility on the foods one chooses to eat. Being healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.Diet fitness is as essential as exercise itself. Diet for fitness provides the essential nutrition one needs to restore worn-out muscles and for healthy growth. Diet fitness should never be taken for granted. With the popularity of keeping fit, many different views, methods, programs and dieting strategies have been formulated by many professionals. Among these are high carb diets and high fat diets. Whih one is more effective and which one should one choose to follow?First thing to know would be the fundamental differences between these two diet approaches. As the name implies, high carb diets concentrates on taking in carbohydrate-rich foods while high fat diets endorses fat-rich foods. High carb diets are utilized to glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a glucose complex that provides large amounts of energy ready for use in anaerobic exercises.Fats, on the other hand, is well-nown for being the richest source of calories. It actually contains 2.5 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins alike. Studies also show that it takes the body 24 calories to metabolize carbohydrates while it only takes 3 to burn down fat. So which one to follow? A person can follow a high carb and low fat fitness diet or the other way around. It is absolutely not recommended to follow both at the same time; unless of course if you want to gain body fat.But then diet fitness is not all about losing fat, one must also consider his diet in order to keep fat away. Research shows that sustainable loss of weight can only be achieved on a diet which suits the individual food preferences, lifestyle, medical profile and satiety signals.Diet programs all over can help you shed off excess pounds, but only one diet can help you stay sexy, and it is the one that satisfies you most. Other important aspects of having a fit diet are moderation, balance and variation. One must be careful not to leave out important nutrients and other substances necessary for healthy body functioning. health organizations are clear about the amounts of nutrients an individual should have in the body.Low fat high carbs, high carbs low fat; the question is not which diet program will work out but which is it that will work for you. Striving for a sexy and healthy body does not have to burden an individual, diet fitness does not have to mean sticking to the same kind of food for life. One may even try to be adventurous and try out new foods out there. Who knows? one may even discover spinach interesting.
First impressions make a huge difference, and a great smile can give you the confidence you need to smile with pride. While everyone wants a bright and white smile, but aren’t sure how to achieve it. To help you get the pearly whites you’ve always dreamed of, please enjoy the following list of simple tips to get whiter teeth.
Eating Habits A lot of foods have staining properties that will, over time, affect the whiteness of your teeth. Foods like berries, soy sauce, and curry are all dark foods that can stain your teeth. You don’t need to give up any of these foods however, simply remember to brush your teeth after each meal or snack. Also, the more raw and natural foods you eat, the better. Fast food and chemical-based processed foods are much more likely to leave stains.
Drinking Habits Coffee, soda, wine and tea also contribute to yellowed teeth. Not only do they satin, but hot and cold temperatures also make your teeth more vulnerable to stains, making hot coffee that much worse. Like with food, brush after drinking staining substances, but not directly after wards or you could wear down tooth enamel.
Natural Solutions It may come as a surprise, but many fruits have natural whitening properties when used correctly. You can mash up some strawberries and put them on your brush with toothpaste, or just rub on to the teeth, Leave on for five minutes, then rinse off. Another whitening fruit is orange peels. Rub orange peels on the teeth, and rinse. You can also try orange peel, bay leaves, and toothpaste finely mixed.
Baking Soda It’s widely know that baking soda can whiten teeth and can be found in many toothpastes already. You can also make your own baking soda whitener by mixing baking soda with salt or by simply adding a small amount of baking soda to your toothbrush before the paste.
Smoking Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco damage and yellow your teeth in immense amounts. If you’re a smoker or chewer and want whiter teeth, start by cutting down on your tobacco habits as much as possible. Even the smallest cut down will help you have whiter, brighter teeth.
Fluoride Some waters and even toothpastes contain fluoride, which has been discovered to yellow teeth. Check toothpaste and water bottles for fluoride before purchasing to avoid accidentally darkening your teeth.
Water Drink as much water as possible throughout your day. This will rinse any remaining food or substance from your teeth and lead to overall whiter teeth and improved oral health. Drinking plenty of water is good for the rest of your body too, and added bonus!
Dental Care This should be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people complain about yellow teeth that don’t even brush regularly. Both flossing and brushing 2-3 times a day at least is the best white to maintain a bright and healthy smile.
Home-Cleaning Kits There are a lot of teeth whitening kits on the market to choose from, but few of them are right for everyone or even healthy to use. Before deciding to purchase one of these kits, do thorough research on which is best for you. Some of them may do harm than help, and leave you in pain and unsatisfied.
Routine Cleaning Last but not least, see the dentist as often as possible for a check-up and cleaning. No one can get your teeth cleaner than the dentist, and they can give you new and useful tips on how to maintain whiter teeth in healthy ways. Most dentists also offer teeth whitening services, which are guaranteed to be safe, healthy and effective.
Do easy ways to lose weight exist? Everyone knows that diet, lowering caloric intake, and exercise, increasing the number of calories you burn, combine into a formula for losing weight. But sticking to the diet is the hard part. It won’t be easy, but with a little work it sure is easier. Here are some tips to make it easier. Keep a daily log of everything that passes your lips. Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, will help you eat less. Studies show that people who keep track of what they eat end up eating 15% less. That’s significant. On average Americans consume 245 calories a day from drinks. Switch from juice, soda, and other calorie drinks to water. 245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories in the course of a year. That’s 25 pounds. Water isn’t that bad, is it? Keep in mind too that juice and soda don’t trigger a feeling of fullness, despite their calories. Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day. Eating more meals with smaller portions results in eating 30% fewer calories. Furthermore, even the same number of calories eaten in smaller portions during more frequent meals can result in weight loss. You’re less likely to binge because the body releases less insulin. Make sure your wardrobe only includes the ’skinny’ clothes. If you don’t have clothes that are comfortable when you’re heavier, you’re more likely to be reminded to keep slim every time you dress. And if you have to purchase a whole new wardrobe you’re less likely to gain weight. Use smaller plates. It’s proven that people eat what’s in front of them. Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates. Similar to the idea of using smaller plates, serve your food on the plate rather than in bowls on the table. When the plate is empty the meal is over, instead of spooning another portion onto your plate. Don’t eat white bread, sugar or white rice. Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain. Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice. Don’t be concerned with the sugar, pretty soon you won’t miss it. Weight loss isn’t easy, but relatively speaking there are easy ways to lose weight. Don’t think it won’t take a little work. If weight loss were easy everyone would be slim all the time.
I woke up this morning and was time. I have been neglected myself and my fitness goals for over a month now. I have been so wrapped up in all my businesses and my online product, I have really let myself go. But I made the decision, NO MORE! I need to come first, I DESERVE to come first and now is the time.
There are 15 days until Christmas and I am setting some goals and be very specific.
1. I will track all my meals on sparkspeople and will plan my meals the night before OR at least post my meals on my blog.
2. I will keep my calories above 1600 calories every day.
3. I will do 2 days of intervals on the treadmill, 2 days of boot camp and 2 days of my own strength training routine each week.
4. I will only allow myself a cheat meal after I have eaten 100% clean for 4 days!
5. I will not let my work get in the way of my meals or workouts.
6. I will achieve 18.5% body fat by Christmas!
When I reach this goal of 18.5% body fat, I will reward myself with an hour long massage! (This is the most important!!!)
Make A Successful Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water - Maybe The Easiest Weight Loss Method
Well, you may have heard it before - you can lose weight just by drinking pure plain water. Do you think it is like that? Yes, it is, you can lose weight just by drinking water. I will explain why it is so.
There are studies that show that just by drinking water your metabolism will increase with up to 30 percentages. That is quite impressive, isn't it? To make your weight loss possible you need to drink eight glasses of water every day, and if you have lots of overweight you need to drink a few glasses more. If you live in a warm climate or if you exercise very intensive you need to drink more than the eight glasses. You maybe think that eight glasses is much water to drink, but you shouldn't drink it at the same time; instead you need to spread it out throughout the day.
Drinking water is not only great for your weight loss. Just by drinking lots of water you will look better because and your skin will become more glowing. Your muscles will work more effective when you exercise which will lead to a better shaped body.
A few tips about how you should act when you decide to lose weight just by drinking water:
Start every morning with a glass of water.
Drink a glass of water before every meal.
Drink lukewarm water, it may be easier to drink lots of water when it isn't cold.
Add a slice of lemon if you don't like the taste of the water.
Avoid drinking just before you go to bed.
Drinking water is a cheap and very effective way to lose weight, but often you need to add some diet and exercise to make your weight loss effective.
If you are experiencing hair loss it is important you act now and not wait until it becomes noticeable and start to affect the way you look and feel about yourself. Whether you are a male or female, few things will affect confidence and esteem like a noticeably balding head.
Going bald will make you look, feel and actually act older. Your personality and attitude will change to reflect your dampened ego. You will become less outgoing and less apt to approach members of the opposite sex. Your going bald can dictate the way you are seen and treated by others and yourself.
I know, for at the tender age of 21 I started rapidly loosing my hair and all those negative changes started to happen in my life. It was sheer determination and the dread of looking like my old grand dad this early that turned things around for me.
If you are experiencing hair loss, here are some things I learned that helped me with my battle to stop from going bald and retake control of my life.
1. Check with your doctor.Sometimes hair loss can be a symptom of disease. Thyroid disease, Lupus and Diabetes are two examples of illnesses known to case balding. Check with your doctor and be sure there is not a more serious matter at hand.
2. Watch your diet.Eating correctly will affect not only the overall health of your body, it will also affect the health of your hair and scalp. Maintaining a proper diet is critical for keeping healthy locks.
3. Check your stress levels.Anxiety and stress are common causes of hair loss. Regardless of how hectic life may get, you should take every necessary step to reduce tension and limit its affect on your body. If you must, use yoga, meditation or some other form of stress reduction technique.
4. Careful what you use on your head.Many of todays' hair care products contain chemicals that are harsh and can actually be damaging. Check the ingredients of your shampoos, dyes, perms and conditioners. Choose products that substitute chemicals with natural substances that are milder and which stimulate the scalp and encourage growth.
These few tips will go far in avoiding further hair loss and may even reverse the process. Do your research and take all necessary steps. Going bald can be painful but there are many products on the market that will help. Just know that the issue can be successfully addressed and the earlier you act the better.
Don't wait until it's too far gone. There are products that can immediately stop hair loss and quickly re grow your hair.
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If a pain recurs and lasts for more than three to four months, it is a chronic back pain. Generally, back pain is obvious. Our spine is the centre point of major bundles of nerves and hence, pains are common in this area even by a slight twist or bend during the normal course. A normal pain subsides in itself. However, if the pain does not subside for a long time and when it gets stimulated with every small movement, it means that the pain is chronic and needs immediate attention. Now let us see how to deal with chronic backaches successfully.
What To Do When Confronted With Back Attacks?
Unlike common backaches, severe pains are more serious and definitely need to be treated under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Nevertheless, if it is very difficult to bear the pain till you visit your doctor, you should know how to deal with such situations. People suffering from severe backache usually find it difficult to sleep. Improper sleep will only add more stress to the backache. Hence, the right way to sleep during back pains putting least stress on the spine is to sleep on your side with your knees bending at a 90-degree angle, or to sleep on your back by placing a pillow beneath your knees. You can try some anti-inflammatory medicines to get some temporary relief from the pain. However, all these techniques are only for managing the situation temporarily and for a permanent cure of a backache, you should immediately consult your doctor.
Magnetic Therapy - A Best Remedy For Chronic Pains
Magnetic therapy is a kind of treatment in which a magnetic pad is provided to the patient to place it at the area of pain in order to gain relief. These pads are also recommended to be used as mattresses and by sleeping on them; the patient can get permanent relief from his backpain. Usually during an injury, the affected area gets inflamed and it creates an imbalance at the cellular level in its sodium and potassium ion concentrations. Hence, magnetic therapy helps to rebalance the electromagnetic ion concentrations efficiently, thus healing the condition more speedily and effectively. It not only restores mobility but also enhances flexibility and minimizes the chances of muscle spasms.
The above stated tips are some of the common tips to cope with your severe backache problems. However, the most important thing that people suffering from back pains should know is to avoid lengthy bed rests. Although bed rest is important, it should be minimized or avoided as far as possible. Bed rest only delays the rehabilitation process. However, you can do some simple exercises without injuring your back and strengthen your back muscles to speed up the chronic back pain healing process.
Be it a lower or a severe upper back pain, if it does not subside and persists, it can be a chronic back pain. Know from here what a magnetic therapy is and how useful is it in dealing with severe back pain and what makes it the best back pain cure in chronic ailments. For more information visit severe back pain.
Water is the most needed chemical compound of our body. Without the daily necessary amount of water our body functions would be forced to shut down. The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size. To function properly, the body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration; the precise amount depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity, and other factors. Most of this is ingested through foods or beverages other than drinking straight water. It is not clear how much water intake is needed by healthy people, though most advocates agree that 6–7 glasses of water (approximately 2 litres) daily is the minimum to maintain proper hydration. Medical literature favors a lower consumption, typically 1 liter of water for an average male, excluding extra requirements due to fluid loss from exercise or warm weather. For those who have healthy kidneys, it is rather difficult to drink too much water, but (especially in warm humid weather and while exercising) it is dangerous to drink too little. People can drink far more water than necessary while exercising, however, putting them at risk of water intoxication (hyperhydration), which can be fatal. The "fact" that a person should consume eight glasses of water per day cannot be traced back to a scientific source. There are other myths such as the effect of water on weight loss and constipation that have been dispelled.
Determine how much water you need. You've probably heard the "8 by 8" rule - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (2 quarts, 1.8 liters) - but the amount of water a person needs varies depending on his or her weight and activity level. Another way to determine your specific recommended water intake is to divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., strive to drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those who use the Metric system, divide your weight (in kilograms) by 30 (ex. somebody weighing 70 kg is going to need 2.3 liters per day). Keep in mind that these recommended intake numbers are controversial and some experts believe they are a gross exaggeration. See "warnings" below for more information.
Signs of Dehydration. You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.
Dangers of Too Much Water. Don't start drinking an extra gallon of water a day - that can kill you, especially if you are fasting or eating very little. Water taken in must be in balance with body salt - electrolytes. The body needs to maintain salt balance or risk hyponatremia with heart attack and even death. Drinking too much water dilutes the salt in your blood and tissues - and can kill you. Healthy athletes have died from drinking too much plain water and not replacing salt. Dieters should not plunge into drinking gallons of water a day in hopes of burning a few more calories. Drink an extra few glasses, yes. But a gallon is too much.
As a personal trainer, I get asked this question at least once a day, "Which the best exercises to get firm, flat and toned abdominals?" It's not an easy question to address, since there are hundreds of abdominal exercises.
Let's face it. Our eyes gravitate towards a flat and well toned abdominal region. We all want that elusive flat, firm and enviable look of 'washboard abs'. The muscles of your abdominal region, and indeed the midsection aren't isolated; they weave through your torso like a web of high-tensile steel, and it's critical to train them the right way.
So how do you get results fast? A recent study by the American Council on Exercise has the answer. Let's discover the 3 most effective exercises to get flat abdominals, the correct way to breathe during abdominal exercises and tips and tricks to get results faster. I have integrated these exercises to help thousands of clients get results. You can view my clients in action with exercise videos and download full color abdominal exercise routines, diet plans and ebooks by registering on my websites mentioned at the end of this article.
A California study conducted by the American Council on Exercise has determined that the classic sit-up is not the best answer for stronger, flatter abdominals. The conclusions were intriguing, to say the least. The traditional sit-up was among the least effective abdominal muscle exercises.
Sit-ups (in which you raise your trunk up from the floor with your knees straight or bent) involve the hip muscles disproportionately relative to the abdominals. This means the hip muscles work more and the abdominal muscles work less i.e they are not getting trained in the right manner. In addition, there is an unnecessary (and potentially harmful) strain on the lower back. The sit-up is not only ineffective, but potentially harmful.
There's more, and it's equally surprising. The study indicated that several gadgets for the abdominals were either ineffective or marginally more effective than a regular abdominal crunch, which doesn't cost you anything, other than the time required to learn the right technique.
Now for the big news. The top three abdominal muscle exercises were:
The Bicycle maneuver.The Captains Chair.Crunch on an exercise ball.
For best results.
Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise, 8-10 repetitions. Increase by 8-10 repetitions each week till you work your way up to a set of 40 repetitions in each set. 2 sets of 35-40 repetitions a day for the abdominals is ideal, and you do not need to train more than that.
Breathing during abdominal muscle exercises.
With all abdominal muscle exercises, exhale as you contract / exert / come up / crunch your abdominals; inhale as you relax / lower / return to the starting position.
Points to remember.
1. If you have lower back injuries or pain, consult a doctor before you begin, so you don't hurt yourself. Also see a physician if you are over 35, have been sedentary for a long time, have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, are a smoker, have chest pains or shortness of breath or have had a joint or muscle injury.
2. It's not the number of repetitions, but the quality and technique that gets results. Overdoing sit-ups can hurt your lower back. Besides, the best way to get those flat lower abdominal muscles is to be patient for 8-10 weeks, eat a healthy diet and do regular aerobic exercise.
Cardiovascular training or cardio as we know it, is an aerobic solution that allows for more oxygen to be pumped through your body and hence burn more energy, muscle or fat. Latest research suggests that if you want six pack abdominals and a physique like a 100 meter sprinter, then less is actually more. So whats the best cardio for a six pack.
H.I.T.T. - High Intensity Interval Training.
What is it? Well it basically makes you work slightly harder with less time. So forget about the age old notion of spending hours on the treadmill. All you really need is 20 minutes, at a varied pace. Here is why, new research has found that long state steady cardio can actually start burning muscle for energy. Now, muscle is your fat burner, yes, the more lean muscle you have the higher your metabolism. So why would you want to burn your muscles?
On the other hand HITT is anaerobic, like weight training, as the intensity is varied. After a resistance training session your metabolism is continually raised as it tries to repair your body. Enter Interval Training, which is exactly the same. After slow and boring low intensity cardio your metabolism returns to normal, however with HITT your body's' metabolism is raised for up to the next 24 hours, sometimes up to 48 hours! So train with Intensity.
So when it comes to cardio for a six pack, next time your at the gym on your chosen cardio machine or going for a jog...try this.
For the next 20 minutes -
Warm up for 4 minutes.
Run at 8.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 6-7)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes (your level 5)
Run at 9.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 7-8)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes (your level 5)
Run at 10.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 8-9)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes (your level 5)
Run at 11.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 9-10)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes (your level 5)
Cool down for 4 minutes.
Above is a hill style of HITT training. There are many more. I will finish asking you a question when it comes to cardio for six pack abs. Would you prefer to look like a marathon sprinter who runs at a constant steady pace for a long period of time or would you like to look like a muscular 100m sprinter?
Start stripping that fat and seeing your abs today!
Roger Ruzzier is a Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach with expertise in weight loss. Start to strip that fat and build the body of your dreams today at
1.Save a few keystrokes when entering dates
When entering the start and due dates for a new task, you don't have to type the entire date. If a date is in the current month, just enter the day and Outlook will enter the rest of the date for you. For instance, if the current month is March and you enter 14, Outlook assumes you mean March 14 of the current year and fills in that date.
When a date isn't in the current month, you can still save a few keystrokes by entering the month and day. Outlook will fill in the year as follows:
If the month and day haven't occurred in the current year, Outlook uses the current year.
If the month and day have passed, Outlook uses the next year.
2.Control how you print notes
If you use the Notes feature to jot down questions, ideas, or quick reminders, you might also want to print them occasionally. By default, Outlook prints each note on a separate page, which might or might not be what you want. You can force Outlook to fill each page, to save paper or to keep related notes together. Select the notes you want to print and then choose Print from the File menu. In the resulting Print dialog box, deselect the Start Each Item On A New Page check box in the Print Options and click OK.
If the option is disabled, you're using HTML format. You must switch to plain or text format to enable this option. To do so, choose Options from the Tools menu. Click on the Mail Format tab and choose Plain Text from the Compose In This Message Format option's drop-down list. Then, click Apply and OK. Repeat the print instructions, and you'll find the Start Each Item On A New Page option is enabled. After printing the notes, just retrace your steps to reset your format setting .
3.Print e-mail when it arrives
For a variety of reasons, some of us end up printing e-mail messages. If you print most of your messages, or all of your messages from a specific source, opening each message to print it manually interrupts your work. Setting a rule to print the desired incoming mail might be more efficient. To do so:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Rules And Alerts.
2. Click New Rule on the E-mail Rules tab.
3. Click Start From A Blank Rule at the top of the resulting Rules Wizard dialog box.
4. In the Step 1 box, highlight the Check Messages When They Arrive option (it should be the default) and then click Next.
5. In the Step 1 box, select the Where My Name Is In The To Box check box (or whatever option applies, if you don't want to print all you messages) and click Next.
6. In the Step 1 box, click the Print It option and click Next.
At this point, you can identify exceptions to the rule, but we won't do that here. Just click Next, and then Finish, Apply, and OK to return to Outlook.
After setting up the new print rule, Outlook will print every incoming message that meets your requirements. Now, the chances are that you won't want to print every message. So make good use of the conditions offered in steps 5 and 7 to limit the messages Outlook prints.
4.Store sent mail efficiently
When you reply to an e-mail, Outlook stores a copy of that message in the Sent folder. If you're like me, your Sent folder has thousands of messages. If you need to find a specific message later, you must sort through all those messages, and that takes time. Instead, store your replies with the original message. For instance, suppose you automatically route all your messages from your boss into a folder named, appropriately enough, MyBoss. If you want Outlook to store your replies in MyBoss with the original messages, do the following:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.
2. On the Preferences tab (which should be selected by default), click E-mail Options in the E-mail section.
3. Click Advanced E-mail Options at the bottom of the Message Handling section.
4. In the Save Messages section, select the In Folders Other Than The Inbox, Save Replies With The Original Message check box and then click OK three times to return to Outlook.
Outlook will apply this setting to all of your personal folders. Just remember that Outlook saves replies with the original message and not in the Sent folder only when the original message is in a folder other than the Inbox. Outlook continues to save all replies sent from messages in the Inbox in the Sent folder.
5.Create a Flags toolbar
Quick Flags help you categorize your messages, usually by some level of importance or by task. For instance, you might use a red flag to mark messages that need a quick response and a blue flag to mark messages on which you've acted and are waiting for a response.
The problem with Quick Flags is that there's no way to customize their descriptions. Outlook identifies them only by color. You can't change the name of Red Flag to Critical. Remembering what each color represents can become burdensome.
1. An easy way to remember what each flag represents is to create a custom toolbar that displays each flag with text that means something to you. Fortunately, the process is easy:
2. From the Tools menu, choose Customize.
3. On the Toolbars tab, click New and name the new toolbar appropriately (for instance, you might name it "Flags") and click OK.
4. In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.
5. Select Actions from the Categories list box.
6. Next, drag the appropriate flag color buttons from the Commands list to the custom toolbar. (If you can't find the toolbar, look behind the dialog box.)
7. After adding all the flags you want, change the text for each flag button. Right-click a flag button and replace the Name setting, e.g., &Red Flag, with something more helpful, such as "Critical." Select the Image And Text option so that Outlook will display the button's name on the toolbar.
8. Complete steps 6 and 7 for each flag button in your new toolbar.
6.Modify the scope of your Calendar work week
By default, the Work Week calendar view displays the five days of the traditional business week, Monday through Friday. To include Saturday and Sunday in that view, choose Options from the Tools menu. In the resulting Options dialog box, click Calendar Options in the Calendar section. In the Calendar Options dialog box, check Sat and Sun in the Calendar Work Week section. Then, click OK twice to return to the Calendar.
You don't have to view a seven- or traditional five-day work week. Check the days of the week that apply to you for a custom work week view. For example, if you work Wednesday through Sunday, you can make those selections to build a view that reflects your schedule.
7.Use color to identify messages from specific senders
Expecting important mail? Identify it as soon as it comes in by displaying it in a distinctive color. Start by select an existing message from the sender in question, if you have one. If you don't, that's okay; you can enter the sender's name manually. Now follow these steps:
1. In Mail, choose Organize from the Tools menu.
2. In the Ways To Organize Mail pane, click the Colors link on the left side.
3. In the first condition statement (we won't use the second), choose From in the first drop-down list.
4. If you chose a message before starting, the sender's name will appear in the text box to the right. If it's the wrong name, enter the right name or the person's e-mail address.
5. Choose a color from the second drop-down list.
6. Click Apply Color and close the pane.
Afterward, Outlook will display all messages, existing and new, from the person you specified in step 4 in the color you selected in step 5.
8.Distinguish incoming mail from existing mail
By default, Outlook displays incoming mail as bold text until you read it. If you need a bit more help, consider displaying unread mail in a bright color. To do so, you'll work in a view, not a rule:
1. In Mail, choose Inbox.
2. Choose Arrange By from the View menu.
3. Select Current View and then Define View from the subsequent submenus.
4. In the Custom View Organizer dialog box, check the option and click Modify.
5. Click Automatic Formatting.
6. In the Automatic Formatting dialog box, click Font.
7. In the Font dialog box, choose a color from the Color dropdown list, and click OK three times. Then, click Apply View.
Outlook will display all unread mail in the Inbox in the color you choose in step 7. Doing so won't display unread messages automatically routed to other folders. Since this is a view, it works only on the current folder. However, you can set up a similar view for any folder you like. In addition, the unread mail formatting takes precedent over colors used to identify mail from a specific sender.
9.Force replies to reach multiple recipients
A problem arises when you need recipients to reply to everyone receiving a message. The responding recipient must remember to click Reply All instead of Reply. If the recipient forgets to click Reply All, you're the only one who will see the reply, forcing you to forward it to everyone else, which is inefficient. Before you send the message, you can configure it to reply to everyone:
When composing the message, click the Options button on the Formatting toolbar.
1. Choose Options from the resulting drop-down list.
2. In the Message Options dialog box, check the Have Replies Sent To option in the Delivery Options section, which will automatically enter your e-mail address.
3. Next, click the Select Names button to the right and select all the appropriate recipients.
4. Click Close to return to your message.
5. When any recipient responds to the message, regardless of which reply choice they click, the reply will go to everyone you specified in the Have Replies Sent To option.
10.Create a temporary work week in the Calendar
The Work Week calendar view displays a week view, and you define what constitutes a work week (see Tip #6). If you need to see more or less than the usual work week, you can temporarily change that view. In the Date Navigation pane, click the first date you want to view. Then, hold down the [Shift] key and press the last date in the period. Outlook automatically adjusts the Calendar Work Week to include all of the dates in the selected time period. Alternately, you can view a group of noncontiguous dates by holding down [Ctrl] instead of [Shift] as you click dates. Outlook will display the days in order, regardless of how you select them.
How come I came to know the great juice for those who are suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar level? Here in our house we usually only take fresh fruit or vegetable juice as our dinner. And, for us to have variety of juices, we searched for great combination of vegetables in which we found out that it could also cure diseases. But, just like medicines, you have to have faith that it could help you in your condition and take it in moderation as well.
All you need to have is a quality made extractor and a measuring instrument for the extracted juice.You should take this in an empty stomach too(it means at least 2 hours after meal and at least 1 hour before meal) for great absorption of juice in your digestive system. Here are the great vegetable combinations for those who are.......
Is your birthday day 1 of the month?
Your Life
You are very curious and dedicatory. When you are interested in something, everything else has to wait. This is your quality. But if you learn to be more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in life.
Your Love
You believe in love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your ____expression. Try not to end a relationship in a quarrel.
Is your birthday day 2 of the month?
Your Life
You have great common sense but usually fail to follow through. This might happens because you are too busy with your mission and shut yourself from the outside world. You are clever and profound so there's a slight chance for self-control problem.
Your Love
Your love progress slowly, and quietly. You seem to be contented with your unrequited love. Your are a romantic and loyal lover.
Is your birthday day 3 of the month?
Your Life
Although you are innocent and romantic but your ____expression often mislead others that you are an active, fun loving kid. Because of your double personality, it's hard for others to really know the real you. You are careful and patient.
Your Love
Your love is the greatest which often surprises others. No one can bring you to light when you are in love. Your confidence might lead you to the track your parents disagree.
Is your birthday day 4 of the month?
Your Life
You usually think before acting which makes your life quite easy. But youoften are the one who give yourself a hard time by being paranoid. People might not truly understand you but you are really nice to be around. You are cheerful and friendly.
Your Love
Still water runs deep, that's what you are. You always surprise others withyour new character when you are in love. Your love trap often comes unexpectedly and your love life is full of surprises
Is your birthday day 5 of the month?
Your Life
Although you are on the quiet side, but you enjoy excitement and changes.Routine is something you cannot stand. Because of your extreme confidence, you hardly ask others for opinion. You believe in leading your own life, and you have got the gift in doing so.
Your Love
Nothing can stop you from making progress in your love life. Once you are in love, you feel the ownership of your lover. A third party can only makes your jealousy becomes worse.
Is your birthday day 6 of the month?
Your Life
You are generous with people in need, sometimes to an extreme that people find you nosey. Your hidden courage and dedication often surprise others. Your imagination is extremely unique. Your Love
Your love life is on the smooth track because it grows from friendship.Although you may not make a sweet lover but your sincerity bring happiness to your couple.
Is your birthday day 7 of the month?
Your Life
You are sensitive to changes around you but your feeling is hardly expressed. You hate exaggerations. Under your quiet personality, you arerather stubborn and self-centered. These qualities are the force behind your extreme persistence.
Your Love
You have enormous courage to please your lover. Your relationship often progress quickly
Is your birthday day 8 of the month?
Your Life
You have pleasant and friendly personality. People look u to your wit and imagination. You are unpredictable and hardly complete what you started,which sometimes create negative impact to people around you.
Your Love
Falling in love becomes your routine. Most of the time you are lucky. You fascinate people with good taste but you never have enough with one.Although your love progresses very fast, it never lasts
Is your birthday day 9 of the month?
Your Life
You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what they think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get a chance to learn about your pleasant personality.Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow.
Your Love
You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy over and over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children.
Is your birthday day 10 of the month?
Your Life
You are very capable. If you are a woman, you have high chance to be are owned workingwoman. If you are a man, your path to fame and honor is near. As an innovator, you are not a good follower. You are good in implementing your imagination and share it with others. You are always well dressed.
Your Love
You often lose your love ones from being too jealous. You always feel like you own the person you fall in love with and that often blows your relationship.------------
Is your birthday day 11 of the month?
Your Life
You are gracious, elegant and prudent. People admire your qualities and some even become jealous of you. You are realistic, flexible and adaptable. You are remarkably kind and moral person.
Your Love
You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the one you love. Your lover will always have your gentleness, care and loyalty. You will always be happy to hand around the one you love
Is your birthday day 12 of the month?
Your Life
You are friendly, humorous and full of energy. You are open-minded and don't care for minor details. Your weak point is your hot temper.
Your Love
You are willing to start off in one-sided love affairs because you strongly believe that you will eventually win his/her heart. On the other hand, once you are together, you always want to do things your way, which is often the fire starter. You usually run in and out of love quickly
Is your birthday day 13 of the month?
Your Life
You are sincere and easy going. Flattering and charming around are not your style. You care so much for freedom that often leads you to the difficult path. Because of your sincerity, most people find you easy to be around although you are sometimes too straight forward.
Your Love
Your gentleness, care and sincerity make you an attractive person.Even though you don't intend to be charming, but you naturally are, especially in the eyes of opposite sex
Is your birthday day 14 of the month?
Your Life
You are so confident that sometimes you forget about the people around you. If you have to be in one of the two teams, you will choose to be in the winning team. On the other hand, you are kind and caring but above all, you care for your own benefits. Your imagination is unique and often gets implemented shortly after it comes across.
Your Love
You will not get soft with the one you don't really like, no matter how hard he/she tries. But once you feel for someone you have chosen, there's no getting back.------------
Is your birthday day 15 of the month?
Your Life
You are outgoing and love to be at the center of attention. From the outside, you may seem flashy, flirty, and tricky but your true self is strong, full of hope to be the leader. When you fail to convince someone, you will get frustrated, and perhaps let your temper shows.
Your Love
You are emotional. Many can win your heart at once, but not for long. This is why you hardly win a decent relationship.-
Is your birthday day 16 of the month?
Your Life
You always follow the good and the right instead of listening to your heart.Another word, you are a perfectionist. You care for every word people say about you. You often seen isolated while you are, by nature, curious and a dreamer who is ready to get over the edge to make your dream comes true.
Your Love
You often fall in love with a person who is much different from you, in age and other aspects. Your relationship grows on friendship. Love at fist sight is not your style
Is your birthday day 17 of the month?
Your Life
You neither want to be interfered nor have the desire to mess with others' life. But you are friendly and occasionally a party animal. You are always in a circle of friends. You often do things in your own way that occasionally go beyond the acceptable limit. People may find you childish and not very attractive in that sense.
Your Love
Your fun-loving character attracts opposite sex. Many of those are great.You often find yourself trapped among a few great guys while you have to choose-only one
Is your birthday day 18 of the month?
Your Life
At first glance, people think you are quiet type of person. Actually you are cheerful, but conditionally. You will show your joyful character only in good mood. One the other hand, when you are moody, no one would dare to be around. Because of your emotion fluctuation and frank character, some find you hard to be around.
Your Love
You hardly show your feeling towards opposite sex no matter how much you like him/her. Your partner also has similar character so your love affairs often take quite a while to flourish. Time tells it all. Your sincerity makes you very attractive
Is your birthday day 19 of the month?
Your Life
You are great in managing everything in your life and this is how you gain respect from others. Because of this quality, you sometimes feel that you are better than the rest. Extreme confidence might lead you to the wrong path. You are a free bird and want to lead your own life. Your Love
You love life is rather different from others'. When you are in love, nothing can stop you. You may often fight with your partner but, soon after that, you will make up in a way that surprises others.
Is your birthday day 20 of the month?
Your Life
You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make any move, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You are patient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more than anything else.
Your Love
You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn't bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship
Is your birthday day 21 of the month?
Your Life
You are curious and a true follower. You can please someone so much that it seem like you are trying to charm that person. You hide your disagreement under your smiling face. This is a charming quality of yours.
Your Love
You are quite unlucky in love. You are loved by someone you don't like while your dream man is so far away. Your love life is occasionally under turbulence. Sometimes you don't have the clear view of the guy in your heart
Is your birthday day 22 of the month?
Your Life
You have the boss character, but not a leader. Most people look up to you for your capability and confidence although they find you quite stubborn.You should listen more to others. You are a unique and charming individual.
Your Love
You hardly take the moderate track. You either love or hate someone. Whom you call friends are the chosen ones. If any of them betray you, you won't let them get away without having hard time.
Is your birthday day 23 of the month?
Your Life
You never live your life in the way others want you to. You are an independent individual who loves challenges and excitement. You are ready to face with the result of your decision. You are usually the one your friends count on.
Your Love
Because you love excitements, you occasionally get involved in for bidden love affairs. You may fall in love with a married person and no one can stop you from making progress. You are very charming, although you might not realize it.
Is your birthday day 24 of the month?
Your Life
You are very optimistic and that's why you always enjoy life. You are gifted in entertaining others. Your friends love and trust you. You'll be the first they come to when they are in need of someone to speak their heart out.
Your Love
Sometimes you fall in love just because you want to be in love, not that you really like that person. You always be seen as a sweet couple but you can't really get over your love ones from past. Your partner is usually crazy about you because you are remarkably charming and romantic.
Is your birthday day 25 of the month?
Your Life
You are a warrior. No obstacle can stop you from reaching your goal. You always keep yourself busy. This quality plus your responsibility will eventually bring you success.
Your Love
You adore y Ur partner as the number one priority. You value your love one more than yourself. Your love is the greatest of all and your have potential to get married young.
Is your birthday day 26 of the month?
Your Life
You are always curious and responsive to changes. Routine life is not the way you choose to live. Traveling is your favorite hobby because excitement is what you are after.
Your Love
You will not stand being around the one you dislike. Your love comes and goes quickly. You can be deeply in love but soon after you will be looking around for the next one
Is your birthday day 27 of the month?
Your Life
You are sensitive and vulnerable. Tears often run down your cheeks even when the matter is not that bad. This might be the result from being to pessimistic. You might seem cold on the shell, but your inner self is a kind loving person.
Your Love
You will be elegantly dressed, no matter how casually dressed your date may be. You are demanding in love and sometimes to an unacceptable extend.
Is your birthday day 28 of the month?
Your Life
You are a capable person but you usually underestimate your own ability.This is the cause of missing numbers of opportunity to step forward. If you try to give yourself a chance, you can be successful in life. Try to see things on the bright side and you will be happier than ever.
Your Love
You are quite unlucky in love. The one in your arm is not the one in your heart. Your love has so many ups and downs. You often chicken out before seeing any progress in love.
Is your birthday day 29 of the month?
Your Life
You can trust your sixth sense. Life is exciting so routine job is not your interest. You have great ideas and fantastic imagination. You often feel tired of things and people around you.
Your Love
You can tell what's in the mind of another person just from looking in to his/her eyes. You are paranoid and jealous and these are the cause of fights between you and your lover. Sometimes the thing you believe in is just your imagination.
Is your birthday day 30 of the month?
Your Life
You are always surrounded by a circle of friends. You are friendly and fun to be with. Though you occasionally disappoint them by being stubborn, but over all, they love your qualities.
Your Love
You want to have full control of your love and that's not a nice way to treat your partner. You take your time in saying yes to his wedding proposal or if you are a man, you will not propose anyone until you are certainly confident which might take ages
Is your birthday day 31 of the month?
Your Life
Your emotion is hard to predict. You can be sad this minute and happy in the next. People might find it difficult to follow your emotion and understand you. You tend to take things seriously.
Your Love
You take your time to study a person before falling in love. Once you decide that he or she is the one, no one can stop you from making progress, even your partner.
All that hard work sending out résumés has finally paid off and you've been called in for a face-to-face job interview. Congratulations! This is an important next step in your job search. It's also your only chance to make a lasting first impression. On the day of your interview, sweating palms and stomach butterflies are to be expected. But you can reduce your stress level by knowing some common mistakes that interviewees make when meeting with potential employers -- and avoiding them.
Here are 10 of the most common mistakes people make on job interviews:
* 1
Not taking the interview seriously: Don't make the mistake of thinking the interview is just a formality. Even if all the preliminaries have gone well, don't be cavalier and start imagining how you'll start spending your new salary. The biggest error you can make is to assume that, because you've gotten this far, the job is in the bag.
Dressing down: How you present yourself during your initial meeting with a potential employer is very important, and your physical appearance can speak volumes to someone who is meeting you for the first time. Even if you know that the firm allows employees to wear jeans, don't sabotage yourself by showing up to the interview in casual clothing. Err on the side of conservative and show up in neat, professional clothing, preferably a business suit.
Not showing why you're the best choice: Be familiar with the job description of the position you're interviewing for so you can illustrate how your experience, abilities, and strengths are in line with the company's needs. Many potential employers want to know why they should hire you specifically. Make it clear to them.
Being too modest: Failing to talk yourself up during an interview is one of the most self-defeating mistakes you can make. This is not the time for humility, so sing your praises! Don't be afraid to talk up everything you've accomplished, whether in school or in previous companies. This is your time to shine.
Talking too much: Be careful not to talk over the interviewer. This meeting should be a two-way conversation, and many interviewees cover up their nervousness by blathering on. Sit calmly and listen carefully, answering questions thoughtfully.
Focusing on the funds: Don't start talking about money too soon into the interview. Focusing on your salary requirements and previous salary history right off the bat may cause you to reveal too much. While the topic of salary will certainly come up, follow the interviewer' s lead. He or she may be saving that topic for a later conversation.
Trash talking: Even if you hated your former boss or felt you were treated unfairly by your previous employer, a job interview is not the place to launch into a litany of complaints. Don't go there. If you were laid off or fired from a previous position, be prepared with an explanation that puts a positive spin on the circumstances.
Failing to ask questions: Your résumé may be impressive on paper, but employers also appreciate a candidate who can ask several intelligent questions during an interview. Prepare at least 3 or 4 questions in advance to ask the interviewer. Interviews are an exchange of information, and not having questions to ask can reveal a lack of preparation.
Lack of enthusiasm: This is your first and sometimes only chance to showcase your personality. Don't walk in announcing how you're having a bad day. Be polite and upbeat. Show your enthusiasm for both the job and the opportunity to interview for it. And don't forget to thank the person at the end of the interview!
Forgetting the follow-up: Make sure to send a handwritten thank-you note or polite email to the interviewer expressing gratitude for his or her time and consideration. And while you don't want to start calling the company on a daily basis, a phone call checking in a week after the interview is perfectly acceptable.
1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!
2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
3. Quit Sm0king
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that sm0king was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of t0bacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in sm0king in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late s0oke cig@rettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood sm0kers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cig@rette…. the next one.
4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
10. Choose Your Parents Well
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.
Today, most of your clients, colleagues and stakeholders are just a phone call or email away -- technology has made communication that simple. However, while tools like telephones and computers score high on convenience and speed, they lack the warmth and emotion that face-to-face communication provides.
Appreciating colleagues
In the words of Helen Keller, 'We are all walking with a signboard on our forehead which reads -- 'Appreciate me'.' It seems we have replaced the pat on the back with 'Thank you' and 'Good job' emails. But there is nothing that motivates someone more than seeing their boss walk up to them and appreciate them in front of everyone.
Go to your colleague's cubicle and congratulate them on the great report they sent or the presentation they made recently. I remember one of my ex-bosses who used to call us team members to his cabin just to say 'thanks' and pat our backs. The team immediately took a liking to him as most people expect a warning or feedback when the boss invites them to their cabin.
"It's difficult to build rapport over an email; I would feel much better if my boss appreciates me in person," says Ashok Krishnan, a CA with Nestle.
Criticising or providing feedback
When you provide feedback over an email or a phone call, the receiver may have a completely different perception about its relevance. This effect is amplified when you are not communicating face-to-face. The reader or listener may think you are cold and indifferent and that's why you avoided meeting them in person to discuss the issue. A face-to-face meeting gives you the opportunity to put your point across, while being sensitive and diplomatic at the same time.
"I have noticed that colleagues often use emails to avoid confronting the real issue. If someone fails to meet their target, I would prefer they tell me in person than offer an explanation over email," says Vidhanshu Bansal, a director with Pixel Webtech.
Assigning new responsibility
There is a great risk of the message getting diluted when a responsibility gets delegated through email or a phone call. Don't be surprised if your team does not show a sense of ownership or complete tasks on time if you are not communicating face-to-face. Nonverbal communication, such as tone of voice, facial gestures and eye contact help individuals understand the importance of a task and the need to complete it on time.
"We rely on conference calls, video conferencing and online meetings but, from my experience, there's nothing more impactful than meeting the team in person," says Delhi-based Ashu Gosh, a manager with Aviar IT Consulting.
Damage control with clients
If you haven't provided the product or service the client expected, you are putting your relationship with the client at stake. An apology mail would not suffice in a sensitive issue like this. Go to the client's office, if possible, without them having to call you for an explanation, and reassure them that the confidence they demonstrated when they gave you business was not misplaced. Your client would be pleasantly surprised that you took the time to come and meet them, especially when things went wrong.
"I used to interact on almost a daily basis with a client over emails without ever figuring out whether the person was male or female. When a report I was supposed to send got delayed, I made a rude comment about a female colleague which offended the client who happened to be a lady herself," says Deepak M.L, a manager with Convergys.
Resolving conflicts
Workplace conflicts are common in most organisations. The lack of interpersonal communication only worsens the situation. It's important to remember that 55 per cent of meaning in an interaction comes from facial and body language and 38 per cent comes from vocal inflection. Only seven per cent of an interaction's meaning is derived from the words themselves. So, trying to resolve a conflict over email or a phone call is often a bad idea.
"A colleague complained about another colleague and copied the senior management on the mail. I was surprised to see that mail translating into a flood of mails providing and seeking explanation. The person who sent the original mail was just one floor above the person who was at the receiving end. I had to sit down with both of them in person to resolve the conflict," says Kailasam R, a manager with Lufthansa Airlines.
Your communication style says a lot about you as a professional. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'You are always under examination by people around you, awarding or denying you very high prizes when you least think of it.' So leave the comfort of your cubicle and build trustworthy relationships by communicating face to face.